Sometimes life just doesn't make sense. I think we've all thought that at least once or twice. I've had a lot of time to do some reflecting in the last week or so. We have a set of twin ten yr old boys that live next door that Scottie has become very close to. He plays with them all week long. Early in the am Wednesday morning we got a phone call to come over and sit with the boys. Their mom needed to take their dad to the ER because he was having some problems. I won't get into the whole story, but he ended up not making it. It was such a shock to all of us. He was 43, an avid sportsman, in very good shape, ate really well, lived really well and loved really well. He passed away from a blood clot and massive heart attack. As I was in the moment of all of this happening I was in utter shock. How could this be? This man had two young boys to raise and a loving wife. How would life go on? Then the reflection turned to me. What if I was in this situation? What would I do? How could life for me go on? Heavenly Father must really have a lot of faith in her. He must know how strong she is to be able to survive something like this. Knock on wood, but I think he know's how I would be able to handle a situation like this(SOOO IT BETTER NOT HAPPEN).
To make a long story short, you never know what life will bring. You never know what is around the corner for you. So, you must always live life as today were your last. That's why I loved Danielle's post so much on "When you know it's true love."
Those little things are important. You may see a pair of stinky socks layed out on your counter and the person who did it may not be there tomorrow to do it again. This has been an eye opener for a lot of us and especially for me. You determine your own happiness, you determine your attitude. Make it the best because life is so precious and short. The good news is we know this is not the end. While it may seem an eternity for ones who experience things like this, life happens in the blink of an eye. We don't have any answers, no rhyme or reason, but it is all in Heavenly Father's plan. We will soon one day understand and say "Thank you Father."
I am very grateful for everyone in my life. I love all of you and if I don't take the time to say that to you often, please know that I do.