To both of my Moms,
I don't think we should have one designated day we celebrate Mother's. I think it's something we should celebrate year-round. You do so much that goes unrecognized. You're the type of person who has ALWAYS cared so much about others and put yourself last. I appreciate all of your many qualities. When life gets complicated I'm glad I can count on you to talk to and relieve my stresses. If I ever need any words of encouragement I know I can turn to you to lift me up. In my life I've experienced many ups and downs and I'm eternally grateful to say that I've had you by my side, guiding me. Warning me that the next bump ahead might be a little steeper than I would have expected. And then there to pick me up when I stumbled. The greatest gift given to me was from The greatest gift was given to another from my to my dear husband. And in turn, we have been able to give that gift also, to our own. There's no greater joy than that of motherhood. And with that joy there comes a reward. The reward is the fruit of your labors. As you can see your fruit keeps dropping its seeds through life. As the seeds drop into the ground, it starts growing. And as it grows it plants its roots deep in the soil until it brings about this beautiful plant. And as the plant grows it blooms and flourishes unil you can finally see the tree of life you have given and the fruits you have labored so diligently to bring forth............
I don't think we should have one designated day we celebrate Mother's. I think it's something we should celebrate year-round. You do so much that goes unrecognized. You're the type of person who has ALWAYS cared so much about others and put yourself last. I appreciate all of your many qualities. When life gets complicated I'm glad I can count on you to talk to and relieve my stresses. If I ever need any words of encouragement I know I can turn to you to lift me up. In my life I've experienced many ups and downs and I'm eternally grateful to say that I've had you by my side, guiding me. Warning me that the next bump ahead might be a little steeper than I would have expected. And then there to pick me up when I stumbled. The greatest gift given to me was from The greatest gift was given to another from my to my dear husband. And in turn, we have been able to give that gift also, to our own. There's no greater joy than that of motherhood. And with that joy there comes a reward. The reward is the fruit of your labors. As you can see your fruit keeps dropping its seeds through life. As the seeds drop into the ground, it starts growing. And as it grows it plants its roots deep in the soil until it brings about this beautiful plant. And as the plant grows it blooms and flourishes unil you can finally see the tree of life you have given and the fruits you have labored so diligently to bring forth............
You are so good. I love how you write. You are very talented. That was a beautiful tribute to your mothers. I really hate that pic of me, but other wise awesome.
Thank you Megan. You are all what any Mother could ask for and then some. I love you so much. Really I am the lucky one.
Love always MOM
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