Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kanga and Roo

Well, he got just plain exhausted!! He tried the CPAP for almost a good 24 hours, but didn't last any longer. They felt his carbon dioxide off-put and oxygen in-take levels weren't where they needed to be. At this time they felt it in the best interest to put Lincoln back on the VIP ventilator. I'm okay with that. I feel like they need to do whatever is BEST for Lincoln. Their strategy is to make sure he makes progress, but to be safe while doing it. Their plan of action is to try it again in a few days.
NOW on to better news:

I FINALLY got to hold my baby boy!!! This is what they call the Kangaroo hold. It is so very important for these little fragile preemies to feel the skin to skin contact with their Mommy. Touch...and a positive touch.... helps him to remember me. Holding him helps him to hear my heartbeat as he once did while in my womb. They say, especially once you start feeding them their mommy's milk, they will recognize their mommy's smell. I've chosen one place I touch him every time I go in and that gives him another chance to recognize me, I hold his hand. My voice is something that is familiar to him and I make sure he hears it when I go in twice a day. When I was pregnant with him, I often sang the same song while in the shower. I make sure to sing or hum that song to him while I visit.


Karen and Joe said...

AWESOME!!!! Happy day! So glad you were able to have that bonding skin to skin contact time with him, horray!

Ben and Anna said...

I loved my kangaroo times. They are just the very best....except for the whole "don't move because there are so many wires and tubes" thing :). I am glad he is doing so well!

*~Sarah~* said...

Oh Megan! im so happy you were able to hold him... so precious! im glad he's doing so well

Melanie said...

That is very sweet. What a doll.