Sunday, September 28, 2008



Yeah, I guess you could say my kids are independent....all of them. I was in the other room paying bills when I heard the water running in the kitchen. Savana came into my room and I said "Who's in the water?" She said "Not me." So, as I go into the kitchen I see Luke lounging in the sink giving himself a bath. I had filled the sink earlier with a teeny bit of dish water to wash off the countertops. He decided to jump in, fill it up, and give himself a bubble bath. As much as I wanted to be angry that there was water everywhere, I couldn't. I decided to take up this opportunity to capture this moment and be able to really laugh at what he had done. Thankfully he hasn't done it since and everytime I hear that kitchen water running I dash into the kitchen to make sure he's not watering the counters and floors.



Sally said...

Hilarious! I LOVE the first picture. He looks so relaxed. Seriously awesome pictures.

Hayley said...

can i have him? please?

Skeemer Land said...
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Skeemer Land said...

Oh how I love these kids! You know this must be some gene thing. As a baby I gave all you girls baths in the kitchen sink. I had a lot more control over you that way. I don't care what any says He adorable!!!!!!

September 28, 2008 7:59 PM

Chocolate Chelsea said...

Again with the pictures, amazing. Funny...Awesome and we hope you made Scott clean it all up.

Megan said...

thanks all! I think I'll keep him.

Joy ~ Kurt said...

So dang cute Meg! Where would we be without kids? ......B O R I N G!
Thanks for sharing!

*~Sarah~* said...

OH my! He is such a cutie pie! Thanks for the cd!

Hayley said...

I did it in blogger. I uploaded the top and bottom pics from Photobucket. All the smaller ones I uploaded the medium size in blogger and just used my cursor to move them around and center them. Hope that makes sense.

Hayley said...

Oh, I guess I did still have to adjust the sizes in blogger a little after they were uploaded by dragging the corners. Only a little though to get them side by side.