Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Savana's 8th Birthday!

The main thing Savana wanted this year was for Brooklyn to be born on her birthday.  We obviously weren't sure if that was going to happen or not, but getting a sister all together was more than she could have asked for!  We decided to put her birthday party on hold until we had little sister.  I didn't want to plan a big shin dig and then be in the hospital.  Daddy made crepes for breakfast and mommy made a cake, then we had some family over that evening to help celebrate.  I was going to do the crate paper thing on her door for the morning, but seeing as I had a one week old baby, I was a little sleep deprived!  She asked for money and Littlest Pet Shop Teenies.  We had a good time and are planning a friend party for sometime in the next couple of weeks.  

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